Well, we made it to Winter Break!!!!  It has been a super duper busy month and I hope you are all hanging in there--even if it's by a threadI know I've felt a little overwhelmed lately...but that just makes a little time off even more rewarding. 
Students have finished their graphing unit in math.  The post-test scores were great!  Nice job kids!  The next unit will begin when we return...we are focusing again on adding and subtracting double and even triple digit numbers!  We are to work with numbers to 1,000.  The work will go smoothly if kiddos have a good foundation of their basic addition and subtraction facts.  We really want them to know those facts.  If they know them in their heads...then the proceedural part of adding won't seem like so much work!  If you have questions, just ask for clarification!
When we return in January, we will spend time wrapping up our unit studying communities in reading.  Our next story will be Jamaica Louise James.  Ask your kiddo about that story!
We really enjoyed our last day before Winter Break.  We did a nice job during the all-school showing of Rio.  The movie is great and follows the themes of the story The Great Kapok Tree. 
We also did a nice job during the all-school sing-along.  Students were presented with their special Brubaker gifts at then end of the day.  Thanks, Mr. Lord, more making sure that is arranged for all 700 students! 
Please enjoy your time off with your kiddos!  I hope you get to see family and celebrate the season.  I will miss them, but I also look forward to family time at home during this time of year! 
See you all next year!!!!  Mrs. S. :)
First of all, I want to thank our student teacher, Miss Devine, for her dedication and hard work with our second graders.  She put in a lot of extra time planning and organizing lessons to meet the students' needs.  She also worked really hard to get to know all the students and to build positive relationships.  I know our class will miss her. I wish her well as she looks for a job in elementary education!  Her last day with us is December 14th.
Second graders have been working on identifying topic, main idea, and details in the reading curriculum this week.  The worked on words with -ai and -ay sounds.  In writing they worked on peer conferring and how to be good listeners when others share their work.
In math we have been graphing!  This unit is breif, but it allows kids to read data on a bar graph and picture graph.  They also have to be able to construct a bar graph using data from a tally chart.  It's fun to spend time graphing data about our individual interests.  Students will be assessed on this unit at the end of next week. 
I hope everyone has a good weekend with their families. 
As usual, if you have any questions, concerns, or nice things to say--please feel free to contact me directly through school email or reach me through the contact available on this website! 
Thanks~  Mrs. S.

It's December already!  I know many of us say this each year, but where has the time gone?  It is amazing how fast time goes.  As I get older, it seems to be going even faster.
Second graders have been busy working with Miss Devine this week.  In reading, they have been using the story "Chinatown" to practice the comprehension strategies of making judgnments and summarizing.  They have filled out graphic organizers and have discussed using both strategies when they read.  In math, they have been reviewing their fact strategies.  They revisited using counting on, counting back, using fast 9's, making tens, and doubles.  Keep working on those skills with your kiddo! 
On Wednesday we enjoyed the PBIS sock hop.  We had a blast dancing to some of our favorite songs.  It was a bit surprising to see how many kids didn't know (or remember) the YMCA!  We had so much fun. :)  Students earn a chance to participate in monthly school-wide celebrations if they earn fewer than 2 office referrals in the month. 
Thanks for checking on the website!  I appreciate your interest in what we're up to in Room 201~  Mrs. S.