Ho Ho Ho!  I'm sad that with the blizzard hitting that I didn't get to wish my students and their families a Merry Christmas in a timely manner.  I hope your family enjoyed the LOOOONNNGG winter break and didn't eat all of Santa's cookies!  I loved seeing family and playing in our first dose of snow.  I didn't enjoy those awful roads, though.  I hope you all stayed safe and sound!
There are a lot of things to consider in the new year.  First, Reading Logs for December can be returned sometime this week.  I'll be sending home the January log soon.  I only have three returned, so if you find it send it back asap!  Second, the weather has changed on us! :( We really had wonderful weather all fall and we played outside at recess most days.  Now that the temps are so much colder expect kids to be inside for indoor recess more often.  If the temp (or windchill) is 15 degrees or colder, we will stay inside.  If your child expects to play on the playground equipment or in the snow, he or she must have and wear full "Winter Gear."  This includes: hat (or hood which stays on), gloves/mittens, coat, snowpants, boots (and another pair of shoes to wear in the building).  Even if a kiddo wears boots to school, he or she cannot play in the snow without the snowpants and change of shoes for class.  Please be sure to send tennis shoes on Wednesdays since that's PE day!  Third, since we missed two days due to the weather we will have school on both MLK, Jr. day and President's day.  See the calendar for the dates.  Reminders will also go home closer to those dates.  Finally, we are celebrating College Pride Month at Brubaker.  I am so excited to talk about where I went to college.  I also can't wait to share my enthusiasm for why I chose my profession and what it took for me to get here.  I hope kids enjoy the lessons we have planned!
Have a wonderful NEW YEAR!  I'm so glad to be back and busy working with the 2nd graders again!
:) Mrs. S.

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